Thursday, March 2, 2017

Copper Hills Soccer Team

Congratulations to the following players for making the 2017 Copper Hills Soccer team.

Seth Alonso
Carlos Becerra
Antonio Castaneda
Travis Isley
Mario Martinez
Jeff Nigbor
Zack Nordquist
Jaden Tomas
Brady Thorne
Oliver Vidana
Jaydon Anderson
Giancarlo Castillo
Jayden Huffman
Carter Johnson
Caleb Mauchley
Daniel Molina
Brayden Palmer
Irvin Tellez
Alex Tena
Brady Zarate-Lopez
Dakota Anderson
Ethan Anderson
Brigham Ballard
Marc Castillo
Jonathan Castro
Adrian Licea
Tanner Ligman
Gianmarko Robles
Brayden Terry
Bogar Hernandez
Daniel Lopes
Sean Lucas
Eli Nixon


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